Sunday, February 14, 2010

iFUTURE robots . 2006

iFUTURE robots. (2006)

Theme: Using LEGO MINDSTORM to create an artificial intelligence. Artist Robot / Philosopher Robot

Singapore Science Centre. 

2 robots with different functions, created from the same processing brain, LEGO MINDSTORM.


The philosopher robot is made up of familiar kitchen utensils. The jaw of the robot moves up and down to mimic speech as it verbalize its philosophical ideologies. The eyes are small speakers that emit the robotic sound. While the head is made up of tiny LEDs that light up to represent brain activity. When users are detected, via motion sensors, the Philosopher robot will then speak random phrases and quotes.


The Artist robot is created to demonstrate the ability of random movements that can create artworks. When the robot detects a clap, it will point its marker to the floor to produce lines on the floor. When it detects another clap, it will raise its arm and lifts the marker pen off the floor, producing an anomaly of designs. This is to show also that although they are not creative, but the random lines that are produced are quite artistic and unique.

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